Mitchell Metals, LLC, is the country’s leading provider of extruded aluminum canopy systems in the United States. They not only engineer and ship pre-fabricated material throughout the country, but they also offer installations to clients within a 5-hour-radius of their headquarters near Atlanta, GA.
Despite their leadership in their industry, Mitchell Metals felt as though their website was not performing as well as it could be as the company’s chief marketing engine.
For example, the client spent considerable time crafting architectural drawings, making them available on their site as a lead generation tool. They wanted to increase the number of downloads of these drawings, as well as, more directly, increase the number of Contact Form submissions and phone calls.
They turned to Atlantic for help.
One of the first tasks we performed was an overall content and strategy audit to determine which assets performed well and which drove the highest number of conversions. Our audit also allowed us to analyze the client’s existing SEO and PPC strategies so that we could make adjustments where needed.