Summary: How can your school show off its spirit, its culture, and the things that make it special? By letting the students do the talking! Learn more about the surprising power of user-generated content. Once upon a time, media...
Summary: We live in a media atmosphere like none ever seen before in history. In the "attention economy," here are a few ways a university can stand out from the background noise and capture students’ attention. Warning: The below...
Summary: Modern digital audiences demand an updated website. Find out how search engine optimization, streamlining your web experience, and designing for mobile helps your university website stay on top. We hope this doesn't come as shocking news, but websites...
Summary: What image does your school present online and peer to peer? You can practice good "image grooming" with an appealing website, PR strategy, social media engagement, and student empowerment. Here’s how to ensure student applicants always see your...
Of all the life decisions, choosing a school for continuing education is one that people tend to ruminate upon for a long time. It's one of those few decision points, like marrying, starting a family, or moving to...
Today's college-age students, by a growing proportion every year, are from Generation Z, and we're gradually learning quite a bit about them. In some ways, this generation runs along an axis of values and trends set before them...
Summary: The market for MBAs is stronger than ever. Learn how your school can capitalize on this new interest and develop a digital marketing strategy that encourages MBA enrollment. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is one of...
What is a thought leader? When you see this phrase, you likely think of the kind of person who delivers a keynote speech at a conference or an expert cited in a reputable publication. A thought leader is...
The stresses of the global pandemic have exacerbated mental health issues among college students. Universities should make mental health awareness part of their marketing and communication strategy and help students access the support they’re desperately seeking. Today's generation...
When marketing higher education, your target age demographic is pretty cut and dried: For-profit schools can count on 80% of their students being under the age of 40. Public 2-year and 4-year public + private nonprofits can count...